Ellie the Brave, Bald Fairy Book Reviews


As a professional nurse, I found this book to be absolutely spot-on! Truly, this is a wonderful book to share with a child facing the fear-of-the-unknown with a cancer diagnosis. It is tenderly written, with child-like understanding, and will give both the child and their family immeasurable insight and answers to questions at a most challenging time. The illustrations are delightful and depict the bald little Ellie’s journey with confidence and inspiration.

Carol Bolton

Registered Nurse

Touching, promotes bravery and self-esteem during a difficult time. An uplifting story that will hit home for patients, family and friends.

Jody Hill

Grandma to Pediatric Cancer Patient & Teacher

What a lovely and inspiring story and the illustrations are just beautiful! Ellie will certainly be a favorite for families going through the same challenges. The feeling of love and being brave and strong will resonate with anyone reading this book. I would highly recommend.
Linda Rotz

Social Worker Director

What an incredible story! As a cancer mama, it’s incredible to have resources that explain what it’s like, and the feelings that a child might have as they go through cancer treatment. Cancer diagnosis can be very lonely, there is comfort in knowing that there are people out there that want to help. Fairies and princesses are my daughter’s absolute favorite. She loved the illustrations of this book and the story about bravery.
Kendra Bird

Cancer Mama

I love it! It talks of the processes that a cancer patient goes though, fear, flight, hope and regaining strength and power. It’s a sweet heartwarming story.

Denita Patton

Sister to Cancer Patient and Niece to Cancer Patient

What a beautiful book about resilience! All children facing illnesses must be brave and strong. Ellie is a wonderful role model.
Diana Vandra

Adoptive Outreach & Education Coordinator

This book was a fun and entertaining read. I feel the focus was on being okay, strength and positivity, and acceptance. Without getting into the gruesome details of Cancer, this book concentrates on what’s important to a child who suffers with Cancer. The illustrations are whimsical and fun. I followed Ellie’s journey through Mardie’s personal posts on social media, and they too were consistently positive, and always mentioned how strong this little fairy Ellie was in real life. I do believe this book would be amazing for many pediatric patients in a wide age spectrum. I’m happy Ellie is on the other side of her journey now. A journey no child should have to endure.
Linda Logue

I was deeply touched reading “Ellie the Brave, Bald Fairy” written lovingly by Mardie Caldwell. One cannot help but feel the love and care put into this book. This beautifully illustrated book, takes us on a journey from a child’s perspective into a very scary experience for a child with cancer, and shows us how grace in these scary times gives us the courage to persevere one day at a time. It takes us on a journey of separating from superficiality to what matters most, love. The story shows us the unexpected, how something so seemingly evil can in the end give us much strength. This book is much needed, and any child struggling with cancer would be much comforted by it. ❤
Annie Berreman


As a 5 year old battling Leukemia, I remember being afraid to go out with my bald head, knowing the other kids would think I was weird and different. Indeed, this happened several times, but the encouragement of adults (to be strong and brave, like Ellie!), and reminders that I was beautiful with or without my hair (and with or without steroid-induced inflated cheeks!) helped me move through the world. A book like this to mirror my experience and remind me to continue to be brave, strong and compassionate towards others would have been a wonderful gift during the confusing and tumultuous years of going through treatment.
Megan Christiansen

Childhood Cancer Survivor

As the CEO at Victory Junction, a year-round camp for children living with serious illness and chronic medical conditions, I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful children like Ellie. Ellie the Brave, Bold Fairy is great for children living with cancer or any serious illness. This book gives kids a great character to relate to and it can help their friends understand what they are going through. Five stars for a heart-warming story with a wonderful lesson for all.
Chad Coltrane

CEO - Victory Junction a Serious Fun Camp

A book to show children to believe in their own strength and powers.
Blake Starr

Executive Director of We Finish Together

I couldn’t stop crying. This was a very touching and powerful book that would be great for children going through cancer.
Joseph Guccione

Father to Ellie

Creative and captivating story that will help children be strong and be brave as they battle with cancer. Confirms that bald is beautiful and all beauty is unique. This story is the perfect combination of educational and magical!
Abby Johnson


Ellie is such a lovable character! She expresses the same feelings my daughter had about losing her hair and being different from others. What a great story! The illustrations are beautiful too. A must-read for any young child going through cancer!
Jenna Garner

Mom to Cancer Patient

Ellie the Brave, Bald Fairy was inspirational! Ellie reminds us that it’s ok to have all of our feelings, that we can be scared and brave at the same time, and that, sometimes, really good surprises are waiting for us on the other side of our difficult situations.
Lynn Hutton

Oncology Clinical Social Worker

Cancer is a tough topic at any age, but for children in particular, it can be especially scary and confusing. Using language and imagery children can understand, author Mardie Caldwell entwines the fantasy world of fairies with the reality of childhood cancer and effects of treatment. Children fighting cancer will see their own story reflected in the pages as Ellie, a young fairy with cancer, faces her fears and insecurities to find acceptance among her classmates. At the same time, this book provides provides a loving platform for other children to understand a cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment for someone they know, such as a family member, friend or classmate. “Ellie the Brave, Bald Fairy” is a must for every elementary school counselor’s library. Whether used as a mirror or a window, it carries a powerful message of hope and strength through the very real human experience of childhood cancer.
Anne Beatty

Brain tumor patient, former teacher

Very well written and hits home. Very inspirational and my 3yr old loves it.
John Dietz

Father of patient

What an amazing story for a young child going through cancer treatments. The need for encouraging words and a positive outcome is needed to help those that are going through any painful medical procedure. All children need is to know that they are not alone and they are accepted and loved just the way they are and this book shares that with them.
Terry Matthews

Medical Professional Retired

This book is wonderful and inspiring to any child going through cancer treatment!
Sydney S

Childhood Cancer Advocate

A beautiful story of bravery and strength. It’s perfect for all of the cancer fairy queens, young and old alike!
Kimberley Eldred

Mom to Cancer Patient

So lovely story with simple approach for kids to see a bright light in the tough times
Ahmed Farghaly

Father of a cancer patient

I thought the story was great! Ellie reminds me so much of my Gracie. She would have LOVED this! A sweet, uplifting and encouraging story for kids battling cancer. Thanks so much for letting me read it!
Mikki Ebert

Mom to former cancer patient

While reading Ellie, I was reminded of the sadness my 2 year old grand baby experienced. She didn’t understand much at first but once she turned three during her treatments, she started to get upset when people referred to her as a boy. She would sometimes look at her mommy and say, “I’m not a boy.” We would tell her that people did not know she was getting chemo treatments but mom and dad would explain to them why she no longer had her long curly hair. Ellie is a beautiful bald brave strong fairy and my grand-daughter is a beautiful, very entertaining young lady. Thank you for showing readers having “no hair” due to chemo is a badge of honor that creates strength and confidence.
Stefanie Jefferson


Seeing a small glimpse into the life of a child with cancer changes your outlook and perspective forever. They show you what truly is important. A pediatric cancer patient is far more than a bald child, but instead, someone that shows constant bravery, courage, strength, and wisdom far beyond their years in a time filled with unimaginable struggles. Ellie the Brave Bald Fairy depicts the significance of taking the time to see past the outward portrayal of a person looking at their inner strengths. We should all strive to witness the inner beauty of others while showing the world our bravery, creating a better future for the children who watch through hospital windowpanes as life passes by.

The part of the raven seeing her as a queen just made me think about how if we took the time to look past what we see on the outside we can get to know some amazing people

Mikayla Vickers

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Contact Info


(866) 986-2665


P.O. Box 1900
Penn Valley, CA 95946



P.O. Box 1900
Penn Valley, CA 95946
